Knockin' some sense into our Hollywood babies-- just like momma would!
3. 2009 Playmate of the Year Ida Ljungqvist
Offense: Scamming Ho
The newest cover girl-bimbette is accused of conspiring with her boyfried to steal his ex-wife's child support. The ex claims Mr. Douchetastic owes her 10 Grand a month and was trying to hide the money by giving it to Skankerina in the form of gifts. Nice. Ida's response: "I didn't know anything." Sure! Being a ho is one thing. Being a ho that steals from the mouths of children is something else. May you wake up one morning to find that your boobalas have deflated!
2. Pete Wentz
Offense: Classless dog
Pete and wife Ashlee were leaving his 30th birthday celebration when a photog snapped a picture without permission. Homeslice got upset and spat in the dude's face. Double-icky-eeew! What backwards holler did you grow up in? After Ashlee's drunken near-catfight last week, I can see why these two are meant for each other. They are fellow Redneckians at heart.
1. NBC
Offense: Network from Hell
This entire 'I'm a Celebrity...' mess needs to go. Yes, you're getting ratings because some Americans are sheep. They'll watch anything-- like that fake fireplace DVD. First of all, your choice in 'celebrities' bites. Secondly, it's a played-out concept. Hasn't some network done this already? If you want a compelling show, get some network executives, put some raw meat in their pockets, and make them run across a field while a pack of dogs chases after them. Hhhmmmm... I smell a million dollar idea here!
Here. It. Comes...... SLAAAAAPPPP!
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