Dear Santa...
I know Christmas is a little over six months away, but I wanted to get my request in early. I know I'm an adult (that's what my driver's license says) and I should be asking for things like world peace and an end to hunger. I'm down with all that. But I need my own Edward. You've seen from the North Pole how very few good men are left. Most are married, gay or cheaters, or are stalking losers who still live with their mommas. So, my own personal Edward Cullen would be wonderful.
Yes, I am delusional. I'm okay with that. And so I don't look too freaky, please throw in that Bella doll as well.
I've been a fairly good girl. I don't smoke. I workout. I don't drink too much. I've cut the fucking swearing down a lot this shitbag year, and I've gone green in many areas of my life.
So give a sista mutha-friggin' Barbie.
Thanks in advance.
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