Knockin' some sense into our Hollywood babies-- just like Momma would.
3. Lindsay Lohan
Offense: Pathetic-ness. Yes, I just made up a word.
Everyone can sleep well tonight knowing that Lindsay likes man candy again! I'm sure her ex-lover, Samantha, will be jealous. Samantha-- who's never enjoyed the Oscar Mayer. Samantha-- who's man enough for the both of them. Duh! Way to really turn her green. Cuz I guess dating another woman was too obvious? "Hi, this is Lindsay Lohan for MEN-- the other white meat."
2. John Mayer
Offense: Soon-to-be-disease-ridden-playa
He's spending quality time with some young bimbette who's dumb enough to fawn all over him. Seems like this 'sensitive rocker' got over his heartache very quickly. All that twittering about his broken heart-- blah, blah, bleck! Latest reports indicate that John is gonna build a revolving door on his fly!
1. Slumdog Dad
Offense: Actin' shady
Even though there doesn't seem to be 'evidence' that what's-his-face tried to sell his daughter for 300-grand, doesn't mean he's innocent (think O.J.) He claims the 'offer' was lost in translation. Riiiiight. Cuz being dirt poor and opportunistic is NOT a motivator. May a herd of cows run you over and smack you numerous times across the face with their teets!
Get those cheeks ready. Here. It. Comes....... SLAP!
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