Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Happiest Place on Earth
Yeah... this squirrel is pretty damn lucky. He's got the best bling in da hood! But I wonder if he's afraid of suffocating? Maybe it's some kinky squirrel-sex-thing.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I submit!
Mental Massage

Sometimes our weary brains need a little positive jump start....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Celebrity Slap: June 28, 2009 Extended Edition

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Can we get it done now?
The Cavs get Shaq from The Suns in exhange for Ben Wallace, Sasha P, cash and their draft pick.
Works for me. Let's see it work come November-June!
P.S. I don't wanna have to get all Shaq-Fu on Shaq! lol
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What I want for Christmas

Dear Santa...
I know Christmas is a little over six months away, but I wanted to get my request in early. I know I'm an adult (that's what my driver's license says) and I should be asking for things like world peace and an end to hunger. I'm down with all that. But I need my own Edward. You've seen from the North Pole how very few good men are left. Most are married, gay or cheaters, or are stalking losers who still live with their mommas. So, my own personal Edward Cullen would be wonderful.
Yes, I am delusional. I'm okay with that. And so I don't look too freaky, please throw in that Bella doll as well.
I've been a fairly good girl. I don't smoke. I workout. I don't drink too much. I've cut the fucking swearing down a lot this shitbag year, and I've gone green in many areas of my life.
So give a sista mutha-friggin' Barbie.
Thanks in advance.
Oh, Ma! Oh, Pa!

It's tradition. The folks come over for any and all holidays, and I cook up a storm. It was no different this Father's Day. We ate. We talked. We laughed. All was well in the world.
It's tradition. Mom and Dad bring back the Tupperware they took leftovers in from the last feast so I can pile more nummies for them to take back home. Usually, my parents throw a bunch of other stuff in the bag: a bottle of Diet Coke; magazines Mom subscribes to but never reads; random clothing items...
But this one takes the cake. For some reason, latex medical gloves were in the bag. I was afraid to ask why. My mind started swirling: Is this a reminder of how I should've stuck with being a doctor instead of dabbler-in-all-things-but-master-of-nothing? Is there a new Father's Day tradition where I'm supposed to check Dad's prostate? And WhyTF do my 'rents have latex gloves in the first place? Are they really playing doctor? Do they break open a box of wine and look at each other's sphincters on a Saturday night?
Needless to say, I needed the box of wine... I might sprout some balls and ask them what the dealio is. But I'm not sure if I really want to know the answer. Cuz really, who just happens to have a box of latex gloves laying around besides a doctor and a hooker?
Oh, God! I know Dad's overtime hours got cut....
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mental Massage

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mental Massage

Soothing your weary mind with some positivity...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Celebrity Slap: June 12, 2009 Edition

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Treasure Hunt

My neighbors are having a yard sale. Started yesterday, and I'm assuming the parade of treasure-seekers will flow in and out of the hood through Sunday. The barrage of vehicles is driving my Al nuts-- who believes this is his neighborhood and has alerted me to every single tresspasser thus far. Needless to say, it's challenging to get into a writing groove-- but I'm a pro. lol
I've never understood the fascination for some concerning yard sales. Sure, I'm a bargain shopper. You've seen some of my finds on previous posts. But seriously-- I. Don't. Want. Other. People's. Shit.
Did you get that? No matter how you try to spin it-- You are buying someone else's shit. To add to your shit. And before you know it, you're gonna have a yard sale to resell the shit you bought from the yard sale you went to. You aren't gonna find a "treasure." A "pot of gold." A rare "gem." Those stories are few and far between. It's shit. Pure and simple. It's clothes and furniture someone else farted in, pissed in, threw up in, scratched their gnads with, wiped their dog's ass with, broke, f*cked on......
And by the by, don't park in front of my mail box. If the postman can't deliver my mail because you're looking to buy useless shit, I'm gonna get medieval on your ass. Thanks.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Award Winner
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"The Little Merman"

Also known as, "The Little Merman."
By Jeremy P. Kelley
Staff Writer Updated 4:05 PM Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A Sugarcreek Twp. man pleaded not guilty Tuesday, June 9, to five counts of public indecency and three counts of menacing, all misdemeanors, after police say he harassed several people over the span of a week while wearing a women’s swimsuit.
Kevin L. Miller, 41, of Washington Mill Road, remains in the Greene County Jail after Judge Michael Murry set bond at $10,000. Miller was arraigned in Xenia Municipal Court via video conference Tuesday morning.
Murry told Miller that if he posts bond, he must immediately report to the probation office for pretrial monitoring. If he does not post bond, a pretrial hearing is expected within two weeks.
Xenia Prosecutor Ron Lewis said Miller was charged with menacing because he chased people in a few of the incidents. Lewis said in one case, Miller swam into the Little Miami River chasing after two women who were canoeing, and in another case Miller chased two juveniles who were coming back from an ice cream shop.
Lewis said the public indecency charges came because Miller partially exposed himself to some people while wearing the women’s swimsuit. Lewis said Miller has a 2008 conviction for disorderly conduct that had nothing to do with the current situation. Sugarcreek Police Sgt. Mark White said Miller has lived on Washington Mill for about three years, and the disorderly conduct case was the police department’s only previous contact with him.
Most of the incidents that resulted in the current charges occurred June 2 and June 3, although Miller was seen in a swimsuit multiple times over the past week along Washington Mill Road and the adjacent Little Miami River. Miller was arrested Monday evening in a green, one-piece swimsuit.
“He said he just wanted to harass people to get a response because, to him, it was the thing to do,” White said. “ But we don’t believe he was being honest about his motives.”
Lewis said two victims picked Miller out of a photo lineup, and White said police found a tent on Miller’s Washington Mill property that contained numerous swimsuits. White reiterated that Miller did not physically harm anyone.
“But we still have to treat this seriously,” he said. “We’re very happy we got him off the street before anything serious happened.”
Some thoughts:
1. Green is NOT your color.
2. Nice rack. I'd be slightly jealous if you didn't totally FREAK ME OUT, SICKO!
3. I believe someone's gotten a Brazilian!
4. You might want to do a spray tan. Two-tone skin coloring-- not so zexy.
5. Were you mistakenly auditioning for Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

NOT a porn title
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mental Massage

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Celebrity Slap: June 7, 2009 Edition

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Oh, Ma!

I love my mother. Really, I do. Every year on my birthday, she reminds me how childbirth gave her hemorrhoids. She also shares the cherished memory of looking at me for the first time: "I cried! You were so ugly with black hair sticking up everywhere. I cried to God asking him why he gave me such an ugly baby."
Paging Hallmark, anyone?
Despite mom's lack of tact (which I inherited) and her repulsion-convulsion, mom rocks. She's like the Tazmainian Devil-- a small, yet powerful whirling dirvish of sass. Grown men fear her, and rightfully so.
But like any mother, she has the tendency to push those hot buttons. Sometimes, she'll just blurt out her displeasure. Sometimes, she'll suck in her unsuspecting child before blindsiding you with her displeasure. Either way, moms always have a way of making you feel like you're 12-years-old.
And, I mean this with all due respect. My mom is the consumate orginal mind f**king drama queen. She can get over on you like a fat kid on dollar dog night. But I digress.
Mom is fixated (today) on me finding a Mister Me. Subtlety is NOT in her vocabulary.
Rita and Mom are at the receptionist's station. Rita steadys Mom, who is a tiny, skinny thing. She looks frail and weak.... until she opens her mouth.
(to receptionist)
I was curious. Is Doctor Barker single?
Rita cringes, knows exactly where this is going.
No, Mrs. Riter. He's married.
That's too bad. He's so good-looking. I thought he'd be perfect for my little Rita.
Receptionist gives Rita that "I-feel-your-pain-mom-is-embarassing-you-look." Rita, who never blushes, starts to feel warm. Prays to God Mom would hurry up and pay her damned bill.
I love babies. Always have. All I want is a grandchild. Just one. But who knows. I might die before it happens.
Rita is mortified. Mom is now going public with her nagging. She turns to Rita.
I just want you to find a good man with a good job. He doesn't have to be rich. He just needs to have a good job and be nice to you. That's all. Then I can die.
Rita hustles mom out of the doctor's office, contemplates downing a bottle of rum when she gets home.
Talk about a Catch 22...
And the Oscar goes to...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Don't mess with Yellow.

Beijing, China
66-year-old Lian Jiansheng (translated in English-- Don't f*ck with me) shoved a suicidal man off of a bridge.
Why? Because the dude made drivers wait for five hours!
Chen Fuchao, who wanted to evict himself from planet Earth because of massive debt, landed on an emergency air cushion that authorities had laid out for him. He suffered some minor injuries.
Meanwhile, Mr. Angry Rangoon was arrested. Asked why he pushed the man, Lian said "jumpers like Chen are very selfish. Their actions violate a lot of public interests."
Such as?
Moral to the story: Mess with the Yellow, get the chopsticks.
Lick this!

Monday, June 1, 2009
Award Winner
Mental Massage

Sending some positive vibes to soothe your weary mind...
"We've all heard that we have to learn from our mistakes, but I think it's more important to learn from successes. If you learn only from your mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors."
-- Norman Vincent Peale1898-1993, Pastor and Author
Now go forth and be fabulous!